Updates from the field – by misheck
This mail was sent direct from the TTN Ministries ministry team on-site in Africa.
Distance to Ministry
< 100 kms
350,000 – 500,000 k
Type of Ministry Church Planting
How is the Family?
as a family we are fine and we are greeting you throu our lord jesus christ.
Number Saved?
we witnessed to many poeple but 260 gave their lives to jesus christ.
Number Healed?
about 80 received healing.
How many on the ministry team?
we were a team of 7,5 came from kabwe 2 came from waya.
What next for this Outreach?
we are planning to send some one to go and stay with these new believers for sometime just to help theme with the basics of christian fondations.
many people received deliverance and one of them suffered from stomacheach,he had this problem for a long time, at the same time staid with a snake in the house not to his knowledge but after we prayed for him,a snake apeared and we killed it emidietre his problem disappeared.
Financial Requests
as rural ministry we need k500,000 to meet the october ministry budget.
Prayer Requests
this ministry has a lot of challenges amamong are: 1 tracts 2 venaqueller bibles.
How is my bedroom progressing?