Excitingly our own Misheck Chama has a heart to reach the lost in Lukunga Swamp, about 60 km’s west of Kabwe.
- An extensive swamp area full of fisherman;
- A lot of these guys live on floating reed mats under small plastic and grass shelter;
- The swamp has 9 harbours where people come to buy and sell fish.
- In 3 years we should have gone a long way to reaching this area and will have visited all the harbours and numerous outreaches on the islands of the Lukunga swamps.
2009: Outreached Weye harbour which resulted in a church being planted and many were set free from witchcraft and prostitution.

2010: New canoe and outboard motor.
- It is exciting for Misheck, a Zambian missionary, to take on an area of unreached people.  Our challenge is to resource that mission. We are in immediate need of a boat and motor due to the nature of the swamp. Our jet boat cannot get access due to the weeds. Even though it is huge area, the water paths between the weeds are narrow and there is a lot of traffic. A fast moving jet boat could end up running over some unsuspecting fisherman so we have de Tec to a traditional long fibre glass canoe and outboard motor. This is at a cost of $5000 for boat and motor.
Plant churches in other harbours and go into the swamp:
- It costs about $250 to do a swamp outreach with the rations and fuels needed to get to this remote place and to take the Gospel to the people who have not heard God’s Word.
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