Updates from the field – by Chris
This mail was sent direct from the TTN Ministries ministry team on-site in Africa.
Distance to Outreach
Type of Ministry Church Planting
How is the Family?
Hi Everyone the Family is fine, I am busy traveling around seeing churches and packing Container.
Number Saved?
Number Healed?
How many Ministry went?
What next for this Outreach?
Currently We are working on the mailing systems, so we are sorry of the delays in news letters but more information and catch up news is coming soon. The idea is so we can create a simple in field news letter update system that is field ready allowing more of the amazing things God is doing getting those stories and updates into your hands.
Thanks for everyone standing with Us the team in Africa are busy with ministry and training.
We are also expecting a few teams this year please start praying for them as they get ready.
Pray also for the packing we need people to help plus God bring the right things at the right time
Financial Requests
We are having a huge impact in the hospital for as little as 25/week we can have a chaplan in a hospital.
Please let me know if you have anything you think could be usefull.
With our new work in the Rufiji Delta we could use anything marine. from boat motors to life jackets, from boats to fishing nets.
Prayre Requests
Prayer points
1. Health of team and Familys
2. Safty on roads and rivers
3. God be with as we minister