Updates from the field – by Tamara Lungu
This mail was sent direct from the TTN Ministries ministry team on-site in Africa.
Distance to Ministry
Within Kabwe
Type of Ministry Church Planting
Hospital Ministry
How is the Family?
By the Grace of God we are all fine.
We had a lovely Christmas and new year although I was busy at the hospital for part of the day on Christmas day.
My mum is now fully recovered from her illness praise God.
Number Saved?
By the grace of God 129 patients were saved
Number Healed?
Out of 1660 admitted 1534 were healed and discharged by His grace
How many on the ministry team?
We are 30 committed members
What next for this Outreach?
We continue with Sunday ward outreach and follow-ups Monday to Thursday.
We are still meeting each Wednesday for staff fellowship
We also visit discharged patients at home on Saturdays as and when required and undertake counseling both at the office and in peoples homes throughout the week.
An old lady in Ward 1 (female general ward) had difficulties breathing for 1 week. After giving her life to Christ her breathing improved and within two days she was healed and discharged.
A young man in Ward 6 (male general ward0 who had a fever for two weeks. After giving his life to Christ he got well and was discharged the following day.
Another man , also in ward 6, who was diagnosed with meningitis. After giving his life to Christ he improved and was discharged three days later, fully recovered.
A young lady with a child in ward 7 (children’s ward). The child had had fever for some weeks and had been in hospital for five days. After the mother gave her life to Christ the child recovered and was discharged the following day.
Another young lady in ward 7 (female surgical and children’s ward) was hit by a vehicle whilst carrying her baby and the baby suffered an eye injury. After the mother gave her life to Christ the baby got well after two days and was discharged.
Financial Requests
Monthly stationary – K200
Monthly talk time – K150
Monthly support – K1000
Prayer Requests
We continue to seek God as a team for His wisdom and knowledge.
We also ask for prayer that the needs of both patients and their families (money for medicine,transport and food for example) would be met whilst they are in hospital and when they are discharged.
We would also value continued prayers for our staff fellowship group as number still remain low.
We continue to thank God for the good working relationship we have with the Hospital management.
The first photo above shows two team members praying for the baby who was run over and had an injured eye. The second photo shows the man in ward 6 who had a fever.
We continue thanking God for the support and prayers from Operation Lift, TTN Australia and TTN Zambia. We pray that God would richly bless you and your families and take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy, productive 2016..