Greetings in the Wonderful name of Jesus,
We have been back in Zambia for a month and very happy with how things are going!
In Australia Jim has been busy with loading and getting containers ready, and we have container on the ocean to Zambia and Nigeria and soon Malawi and Swaziland. A huge thank you to all who helped Jim and Arthur.
We have had to move the order of shipping round to match the safety certificates of the containers, elections in Malawi and the availability and suitability of equipment to the desired locations. But we are on track to get not 4 but 5 containers away this year praise God. Though we need a bit of help still with Number 5.
In Zambia, both community schools we relate to are full to over flowing with Chankosa having 275 plus children and kangnomba with more than 200 under Grade 5.
We are looking to have professional input of Josephine Wellings into the teachers and students this month.
Just this past few weeks Gladis shared a need, she is making follow ups on foot for well over 150 children under 5 plus expecting mothers, she needed a bike, she was delivering babies in the clinic at nigh via touch and cell phone light. So we put an appeal out on face book and praise God we got enough for Bike and some lights
The ladies groups that Angela relates to are going on well and the women at Kangnomba had successful harvest of beans.
Over these next two months we have an amazing team of Ladies covering three generations Mother, Daughter and Granddaughter on a missions trip this life changing trio will be working and ministering to various women’s groups bring inspiration, encouragement, impact and transformation. (OH Yeah that’s My Mum, My Sister and My Niece)
Misheck has been busy helping at my place build cupboards; it’s time to stop living out of boxes. He was also sharing how on the outreach/church plant this last weekend where they were having so many people respond for prayer they simply could not manage and had set up afternoons to pray for the extra people.
We are in the process of selling our Kamborka canoe (7.3m canoe) with it outboard and replace with two smaller banana canoes (6.5m) which will form the bases of a hire business in Lukanga swamps generating income for ministry. And helping Misheck buy and sell fish for personal support at the same time evangelising discipline and church planting in one of these least reached regions close to home.
Elijah has made a successful migration from working as driving school instructor to having his own fully register school A HUGE WELLL DONE TO ELIJAH. He is still busy running his church and doing sports outreaches.
Tamara is powering on in the Hospital Ministry, as team they just recently had another training Day for people to do ministry and she shared a testimony of one the students a former patient at the hospital who was admitted for attempted suicide, Has had his life turn around as God has transformed him from the inside and not only Got saved and set free but now has a heart to minister to others.
Please take time to read Below Tamara’s reports they are great.
Coming events
Our first container to has hit Africa soil and we expect to be unloading that container in a weeks’ time. Two more sailed this week and another due to sail this month end with the 5 targeted to depart as early as we can in July.
As a part of the ongoing work we will do a renovation recue on a church at Ndola central hospital as the chapel has been gifted the chaplain’s office.
We will look at opening a new hospital chaplain in siavonga as we look to assist the local hospital go from operating as a clinic to hospital. I love seeing hospital open up to chaplains then hear of the testimonies of healing deliverance and salvations which result in practical benefit of reduced bed occupancy faster recovery rates in turns improves hospital conditions and budgets.
Please we need extensive prayer later this year we are embarking on a project and medical outreach into Nigeria, we will be keep some details quiet as we are heading to area’s described as dangerous, currently we see the global support for the family’s and for the missing school Girls in Nigeria “Bring back our Girls”. Our infield partners work in that region operating medical outreaches in the vast rural area where life can be so desperate. There is one thing to share a post and agree with an idea it another to be a part of the solution, though in no means are mounting an armed escapade but beyond that even before this issue arose there was a need. A need is just the sign post of where God is going to turn up next. Our small part has begun we have dispatched a container of medical and educational equipment, November we will follow on a medical outreach.
Our needs for this project
- I would love to raise 2500 for medicines.
- I would love to 1000 for food relief for those who really need it
- I would love to raise 1000 for seeds for planting
- We need 2000 for other transport cost
- With your help we can make it happen.
- We thank you all for your support and prayers.
We are thinking of adopting this guy as a mascot. Arthur found him while researching ministry options in the Greek Isles