Jabez Phiri is one of TTN Ministries long standing evangelists, being involved for almost 20 years. Jabez has a passion for planting churches and church leadership.
As pastor for PAOG Church in Kabwe, he is the Worship Pastor as well as the Mission’s Pastor for his church and oversees several missions’ teams within the different churches for PAOG.
Working alongside the PAOG, TTN Ministries Plans Churches, Raises Leaders and Supports Remote Community Schools.
Working with local church teams, Jabez and his disciples are actively involved in planting churches in both urban and rural communities.

How do you plant a church?
First the TTN team begins with evangelism. Then the local community members grow in faith through discipleship and leadership development in the new church. TTN team members continue to work with this new church community and extend their time with them.
TTN team members are supported by members of their own local church who visit the new church each week, while the congregation grows in both numbers and spiritual maturity.
Within 12 months the ‘new’ church will have planted a ‘daughter church’, and with 2 years that church will be engaged in a community program, usually a preschool or medical clinic.
Do You Have A Passion for Training Pastors?
Partner with Jabez to plant churches, disciple others and raise leaders in local communities:
- $ 10/week will support Jabez to visit the ‘new’ churches each week
- $ 25/week will provide support to disciple new Christians
- $ 200/month will enable Jabez to continue his church planting/evangelistic ministry
- $ 500/month will ensure TTN Ministries continues making a difference across all church planting and discipleship projects.
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