Since 2009 TTN Ministries has partnered with Kabwe Chapel to support Hospital Chaplaincy at Kabwe General Hospital. Our Chaplain Tamara is supported each Sunday by a team of volunteers who visit each hospital ward, praying for the sick and preaching salvation. Praise reports for complete healing occur often, and at times entire wards are healed!
2000 People Impacted Each Month
Through the Chaplaincy, we have access to 1000 new patients every month and support 1000 family members.
- Every Sunday, the hospital ministry team, led by our Chaplain Tamara, have the opportunity to preach the Gospel at the bed side of every patient;
- The Hospital Chaplain is supported by a team consisting of volunteers from 12 different churches and other mission organisations.
- Kabwe Chapel offer support each Sunday by providing a bus to transport the ministry team to the hospital;
- Each week between 80 and 250 people accept salvation and begin their lives with Christ.

Post-Hospital Pastoral Care
Records are kept by the hospital ministry team for those who receive the Gospel and who were prayed for. These people are followed up by our Hospital Chaplain during the week.
- These follow ups generally occur in the home.
- Over 80 patients a month are visited and prayed for, in their home.
- Through this we see more salvations of family members, and church growth.
Opportunities to Plant Churches Open
People who have come from the vast rural areas of central province Zambia, meet Jesus through the Hospital Chaplain. Then they request we come to their village and start a church.
$200/Month Provides Chaplaincy
For an entire Hospital
This is an exciting ministry as it brings many people in contact with the Gospel. $200 a month covers the cost to keep the Chaplaincy office open so that the Chaplain can access hospital wards during the week.
Your sponsorship of $200 a month will also support the team to follow up patients that have received salvation or requested prayer.
The Chaplain is Respected by the Administration
Over the years of service the Office Chaplain has risen in the ranks of the Hospital Administration. Being involved on the Board of Management and our Hospital Chaplains are often called upon to help patients with spiritual matters.
Our favourite story is when a Hospital Administrator informed us that he was asked by the Minister for Health’s office why the hospitals discharge rates were so short (time between admission and discharge) and his response…
“We have a Chaplain who prays for them”

Foreign Doctors Saved
As result of the Chaplain being called, Doctors have seen first hand the power of God. Such a witness they could not deny, which leads them to ask, ‘Who is this Jesus?’
The result – Doctors from China and Korea are not only being saved but discipled and trained to preach the Gospel and disciple others.
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Join TTN Ministries in improving the health and well being for people of Zambia and beyond