By assisting widow support groups through churches we help by:
- Providing training and equipment to widows and single mothers to help them gain skills in micro business and cottage industries.
- Providing sewing equipment and training to assist in tailoring
- Providing catering equipment
- Buy assisting a group situation we empower the group to reach out and assist other women

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Short Term Missions (STM)” btn_style=”rounded” color=”blue” size=”md” position=”right” link=”|title:Short%20Term%20Missions%20(STM)|target:%20_blank” h4=”to go on an Aid Mission to Africa?”][/vc_cta_button2]
Short Term Missions (STM)” btn_style=”rounded” color=”blue” size=”md” position=”right” link=”|title:Short%20Term%20Missions%20(STM)|target:%20_blank” h4=”to go on an Aid Mission to Africa?”][/vc_cta_button2]